
The Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies (ANHS) is the oldest academic organization devoted to the study of the Himalaya in the United States. HIMALAYA is the journal of the Association and its flagship publication.

Back issues of HIMALAYA are freely available from a Digital Commons repository housed at Macalester College. Staff at Macalester’s DeWitt Wallace Library continue to support the journal by assisting with production workflows, layout, and cover design.

Maple Press is responsible for the printing and distribution of HIMALAYA.

Kathmandu-based SoftNEP managed the implementation of the design online and continue to host the website.

The Nepal Studies Association Newsletter was digitized by staff at the Yale University Library in 2013. Student assistants and interns at the Yale Himalaya Initiative have assisted with scanning and compressing the back issues of the journal to create a comprehensive digital archive.

Through a partnership with Himal Books in Kathmandu, selected special issues of HIMALAYA are available in book format in Nepal and South Asia.

Digital Himalaya is an online repository for multimedia anthropological information from the Himalayan region, including journals, maps, films and photographs.

The International Association for Ladakh Studies disseminates information about proposed and completed research and publications.

The development of the journal HIMALAYA has been made possible over many years with support from various organizations and individuals. Most importantly, the journal owes a debt of gratitude to Jacki Betsworth, Senior Library Specialist, and her dedicated team of library aides, at the DeWitt Wallace Library at Macalaster College for their ongoing commitment to ensuring such a high quality product. As former editors of HIMALAYA, Sienna Craig, Mark Turin, Arjun Guneratne, and Barbara Brower made profound contributions to the establishment and growth of the journal, and for helping to position HIMALAYA at the forefront of open access scholarly publishing. The current editors are grateful for and recognize their efforts.

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