
New editors for HIMALAYA

The Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies (ANHS) is pleased to announce the appointment of the next editors of its flagship journal, HIMALAYA. Mona Bhan and David Citrin have agreed to take over leadership of the journal beginning with Volume 38, to be published in 2018. Dr. Bhan is an Associate Professor at DePauw University, […]

HIMALAYA 36:2 (2016)

Released in December 2016, HIMALAYA 36 (2) has a special focus on Everyday Religion, Sustainable Environments, and Urban Himalayan Studies. As ever, all contributions are available online for free to all, please visit our digital archive:

HIMALAYA 36:1 (2016)

Released in May 2016, HIMALAYA 36 (1) is a special issue on Theorizing the Secular in Tibetan Cultural Worlds. As ever, all contributions are available online for free to all, please visit our digital archive:

Search for the next editor of HIMALAYA

The Executive Council of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies (ANHS) is seeking an editor for its biannual, open access, peer-reviewed journal, HIMALAYA. Interdisciplinary and trans-regional in scope, HIMALAYA covers all aspects of Himalayan studies, including the humanities and creative arts. HIMALAYA publishes original research articles, short field reports, book and film reviews, reports […]

HIMALAYA 35:2 (2015)

Released in December 2015, HIMALAYA 35 (2) has a focus on Charting Himalayan Histories. As ever, all contributions are available online for free to all, please visit our digital archive:

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