Photo Essay Gallery
A Bonpo Mendrup Celebration in Kathmandu, 2012: How Potency is Accomplished
by Anna Sehnalova Once every several years, the Bonpo Triten Norbutse (Khri brtan nor bu rtse) monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal, enjoys a long-awaited celebration – the mendrup (Tib. sman sgrub; ‘medicinal accomplishment’) ritual, or the great ‘medicinal accomplishment.’ The last mendrup
Belonging and Transformation in Mustang, Nepal
by Yungdrung Tsewang, Tshering Gurung, Yeshi Gurung, Kory Thibeault, and Emily Amburgey These photographs explore the social, environmental, political, and economic transformation among communities in Mustang, Nepal—situated along the border of the Tibetan Autonomous Region. This region is home to unique hi...
On the Road: Commodities, Trade, and Transportation in Northwest Nepal
by Phurwa Dhondup Gurung & Nyima Dorjee Bhotia Roads have become synonymous with the idea of bikas (development) in the imagination of many Nepali people and the state. This is perhaps most dramatized in the remote district of Humla, situated in the far northwest Karnali province, and one of the last two ...
Shifting Valley: Kathmandu in Transition
by Indira Kumar, Kathmandu, Nepal, is at once a city and a mountain valley which is being transformed by major infrastructural changes. In many parts of this metropolis, one can sense that old and new co-exist in a kind of chaotic harmony. New high-rise buildings have begun to dominate the cityscape. Roads are being wid...
Inheriting Winemaking: Cizhong ‘Rose Honey’ Wine Production on the Upper Mekong River in Northwest Yunnan Province, China
by Fei Sun and Brendan A. Galipeau, this photo essay describes the history and process of grape wine production in Tibetan Cizhong Village of Northwest Yunnan Province, China. It follows and documents the annual winemaking tradition in one village household, and also provides photos showing the blending of wine into ever...